Pricing Table


Pricing Table Type1

[dt_sc_hr_invisible size=”xsmall”]
[dt_sc_pricing_table_item highlight=”yes” heading=”Heading” subtitle=”Best price for a basic site” currency=”$” price=”11″ decimal=”.99″ permonth=”/ Month” link=”url:%23|title:Signup%20Now|”]

  • List Item 1
  • List Item 2
  • List Item 3
  • List Item 4


[dt_sc_pricing_table_item heading=”Heading” subtitle=”Best price for a basic site” currency=”$” price=”22″ decimal=”.99″ permonth=”/ Month” link=”url:%23|title:Signup%20Now|”]

  • List Item 1
  • List Item 2
  • List Item 3
  • List Item 4


[dt_sc_pricing_table_item heading=”Heading” subtitle=”Best price for a basic site” currency=”$” price=”33″ decimal=”.99″ permonth=”/ Month” link=”url:%23|title:Signup%20Now|”]

  • List Item 1
  • List Item 2
  • List Item 3
  • List Item 4




Pricing Table Type2

[dt_sc_hr_invisible size=”xsmall”]
[dt_sc_pricing_table_minimal_item highlight=”yes” icon_type=”css_class” icon_css_class=”pe-icon pe-server” heading=”Heading” subtitle=”Torquent per conubia nostra” starting=”Starting at” price=”$3.99″ permonth=”/ Mo” link=”url:%23|title:Get%20Started%20Now|”]
[dt_sc_pricing_table_minimal_item icon_type=”css_class” icon_css_class=”pe-icon pe-server” heading=”Heading” subtitle=”Torquent per conubia nostra” starting=”Starting at” price=”$6.99″ permonth=”/ Mo” link=”url:%23|title:Get%20Started%20Now|”]
[dt_sc_pricing_table_minimal_item icon_type=”css_class” icon_css_class=”pe-icon pe-server” heading=”Heading” subtitle=”Torquent per conubia nostra” starting=”Starting at” price=”$9.99″ permonth=”/ Mo” link=”url:%23|title:Get%20Started%20Now|”]


Pricing Table Type3

[dt_sc_hr_invisible size=”small”]
[dt_sc_pricing_table_type2_item number=”3″ currency=”$” price=”28.00″ month=”Month” plan=”Plan” link=”url:%23|title:Upgrade|”]

  • Free List Item 1
  • Unlimited List Item 2
  • Painting List Item 3
  • High List Item 4


[dt_sc_pricing_table_type2_item highlight=”yes” number=”6″ currency=”$” price=”38.00″ month=”Month” plan=”Plan” link=”url:%23|title:Upgrade|”]

  • Free List Item 1
  • Unlimited List Item 2
  • Painting List Item 3
  • High List Item 4


[dt_sc_pricing_table_type2_item number=”9″ currency=”$” price=”48.00″ month=”Month” plan=”Plan” link=”url:%23|title:Upgrade|”]

  • Premium List Item 1
  • Unlimited List Item 2
  • Painting List Item 3
  • High List Item 4


[dt_sc_hr_invisible size=”large”]


Pricing Table Type4

[dt_sc_hr_invisible size=”xsmall”]
[dt_sc_pricing_table_item highlight=”yes” heading=”Day at the Spa” thumb=”13103″ currency=”$” price=”80″ decimal=”.99″ permonth=”/ person” link=”url:%23|title:Buy%20Now|”]

  • Cosme Dermat Treatment
  • Fusion Therapy
  • Papaya sesame body wrap
  • Spa Manicure
  • Spa Pedicure


[dt_sc_pricing_table_item heading=”A Slice of Heaven” thumb=”13104″ currency=”$” price=”95″ decimal=”.99″ permonth=”/ person” link=”url:%23|title:Buy%20Now|”]

  • Spa Facial & Hair Cut
  • Aromatherapy
  • Head Massage
  • Salt Scrub Manicure
  • Salt scrub Pedicure


[dt_sc_pricing_table_item heading=”Total Serenity” thumb=”13105″ currency=”$” price=”150″ decimal=”.99″ permonth=”/ person” link=”url:%23|title:Buy%20Now|”]

  • Swedish Massage
  • Spa Facial
  • Haircut & Blow Dry
  • Salt Scrub Manicure
  • Salt Scrub Pedicure


[dt_sc_empty_space margin_lg=”60″ margin_md=”” margin_sm=”” margin_xs=”” el_id=”1534247382606-4b1247a0-f922″]


Pricing Table Type5

[dt_sc_hr_invisible size=”xsmall”]
Water Softener & or Reverse Osmosis Installation
Must be presented at the time of service. Can not be combined with any other offer.
Conditions Apply
Water Softener & or Reverse Osmosis Installation
Must be presented at the time of service. Can not be combined with any other offer.
Conditions Apply
Water Softener & or Reverse Osmosis Installation
Must be presented at the time of service. Can not be combined with any other offer.
Conditions Apply

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